Accounting: IRS & Taxes
The Kentuckiana Trade Exchange operates to serve its members as the clearinghouse of the barter activites of its members. We provide recordkeeping and the network of member businesses that trade between each other. We provide our member businesses with a Form 1099-B for all transactions within the previous calendar year.
What are the tax advantages of bartering?
The Internal Revenue Service treats barter income just like cash income. The best tax advantage is to use the earned barter income to purchase the normal expenditures that are tax deductible. KTE recommends that you to seek professional accounting advice.
Is barter income taxable income?
How do I handle sales tax?
Are you regulated by the IRS?
What is a form 1099-B?
Why does KTE need to know my federal identification number and/or social security number?
What if my company name, tax id number or my personal name changes?
What happens if any of my taxpayer information is reported incorrectly?
Where can I learn more about my tax responsibilities and barter?