Your Barter Analysis
Boost Business With Barter
Increase Sales and Profit
We connect you with customers you might not find otherwise.
Conserve Cash
Save your cash by trading for your business and personal expenses.
Reduce Borrowing Costs
KTE extends credit lines on future barter sales. Avoid interest on working capital!
Increase Market Share
When you accept barter business, you capture a sales from your competitors.
Decrease Excess
Easy Collection
Increase Exposure
The more you barter, the more clients you reach and referrals increase. Expand your advertising and marketing budget by paying with barter.
Reduce Overhead
Use barter to cover your daily operating expenses such as janitorial services, printing, vehicle maintenance, and accounting.
Owner & Employee Benefits
Improve employee loyalty and productivity by offering benefits on barter like dental services, vehicle repair, restaurants, vacations and gifts.
Third-party Barter News & Studies
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